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Updates change request configuration for an environment in the project



This endpoint will change the change request configuration for a given environment, set it to either on/off and optionally configure the number of approvals needed. The minimum number of approvals is 1 and the maximum number is 10. If you provide a number higher than 10 or lower than 1, Unleash will clamp it to the allowed range.



This response has no body.

Authorization: Authorization

name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API
curl -L -X PUT '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/projects/:projectId/environments/:environment/change-requests/config' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <Authorization>' \
-d '{
"changeRequestsEnabled": true,
"requiredApprovals": 3
Request Collapse all
Base URL
— pathrequired
— pathrequired
Body required
  "changeRequestsEnabled": true,
  "requiredApprovals": 3

Click the Send API Request button above and see the response here!